Accounting Services by Sector

Click below to navigate to a page and get more information on any of the industry sectors BJJ provides tailored services for.

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Busy Families & Personal Finances

Working with you! Personal finances of busy families are complicated – often more so than those of you running a  small business. We offer a straight forward way to help elevate the pressure and make the most of your finances.

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As an Entrepreneur, you work long hours and probably have a heavy travel schedules, so our personal bookkeeping services will be particularly helpful for you. Cutting through the issues and helping you make important decision quickly is what we do.

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Family Offices/Working from Home

Working with you, we can simplify the personal finances of you, your family and your business by offering straight forward services that take away any pressure and make the best of your finances.

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As a professional athletes or entertainer, you have a particularly unique financial need. It is our job to take special care of your financial resources, since they will possibly have to last a lifetime. 
As you can see I am not only working from an SEO perspective but one where you address the user as a customer already, speaking directly about their needs and the solution. Often on website content os too general and feels at anybody, make it personal and relevant to them.

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Media & Technology

Coming Soon.

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